Redirect a custom domain to github pages

cake eater


How to redirect a custom domain to github pages

Because I do not have a dedicated webspace to host my website, but do have a custom domain, I decided to simply redirect it to github pages. That also has the benefit of using automatic deployment via github actions. So the goal is to serve the website under but let it also be accessible via

To get the redirect working, you need to do two steps:

  1. set the correct A records for your domain
  2. tell github the domain it should serve the content for

Generally, changes to DNS records might take a while to have effect, so be patient.

Setting A records

To set the A records, you need to access the DNS settings of your domain (often a web interface). Then, you need to add the four A records given on this website

In my case, I had no A records set previously. It might be a bit more complicated if you want to redirect only some subdomain.

I also set a CNAME record for to

Github settings

On, go to the repository hosting the website and access the Settings. Under Pages you can set a custom domain, simply enter it here and click save (in my case

It will take a bit until github has checked that your domain indeed links to github pages and it will then generate a SSL certificate, so your website can be served securely via HTTPS. This might take a bit.

Due to caching, the changes might not be live directly. But after some time you should hopefully have a working redirect.