Biblatex: citenum command, papers under preparation, and no ISBN/ISSN if DOI present
For my PhD thesis I used biblatex with the biber backend to generate the citations and bibliography automatically in the “numeric” style.
I encountered three small problems:
- The \citenum command from natbib (to have in-text citations like
In Ref. 3
) does not exist in biblatex - The bibliography style for @article prefixes the journal title with “In: “, but I have some papers under preparation that do not have a journal title set.
- Because I generated most of the bib entries automatically with zotero, often both ISBN/ISSN and DOI are set. I don’t want to lengthen the bibliography entries by including both, but by default you can only remove the identifiers unconditionally.
adding a citenum command
A simple implementation of the \citenum command is found in this StackExchange answer:
Removing the “In :” prefix for papers under preparation
The numeric biblatex style for @article entries looks like this (simplified):
First1 Last1, First2 Last2, and First3 Last3. “Title of paper.” In: Journal title vol.issue (year)
I had some papers that were under preparation at the time of finishing the thesis that I wanted to include nevertheless.
Using a @article entry without journal information and date = {under preparation}
does not work out of the box: the prefix In:
is added even if no journal title is set.
To remove it, the in:
command is modified:
Show ISBN/ISSN only if DOI is not set