Histogram the particle positions [histogram]

Action to store a histogram of the particle positions

This requires that the trajectories are at least saved in memory, i.e. the [trajectories] section has to exist in the input file. The number of time steps between updates of the histogram is set by the number of positions stored in memory by the [trajectories] action.

Note that when printing out the histogram the midpoint of the bins is given as coordinate

min: float or list of floats

Minimum position of the histogram per dimension

max: float or list of floats

Maximum position of the histogram per dimension

bins: int or list of ints

Number of histogram bins per direction

stride: int, defaults to 1

Time steps between saved positions of particles

reset: int or list of ints

Reset all histogram counts at the specified time steps. Will be done after writing the current histogram, but before any dependent actions are executed

filename: string, optional

Filename to write the histogram to.

write-stride: int, optional

Write histogram to file every n time steps (filename will be appended by _t (with the current time step t). If not specified the histogram will only be written once at the end of the simulation.

fmt: string, defaults to “%14.9”

c-style format specifier used when writing data to file



bins: 200 min: -2.5 max: 2.5 filename: histo