Birth-death algorithm [birth-death]

Perform birth-death events during the simulation.

stride: int

Number of time steps between attempts of birth and death events

kernel-bandwidth: float or list of floats

Bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel per dimension

recalculate-probabilities: bool, optional

Recalculate the probabilities after each succesful birth-death event

aproximation-variant or correction-variant: string, optional

Specify the approximation (Lambda) to use. Defaults to original correction-variant is currently still accepted to support old input files but is deprecated and will be removed in a later version. If both are specified, no error is thrown and the approximation-variant value is used. Possible values are:

  • original or orig: the original approximation by Lu et al. Default value

  • additive or add

  • multiplicative or mult

exponential-factor: float, optional

factor in the exponential of the birth-death probabilities, also referred to as rate factor

seed: int, optional

Starting seed for the random number generator used to accept/decline the birth-death probabilities

stats-stride: int, optional

Write statistics about the birth-death events every n time steps. Will not write any statistics if not specified

stats-filename: string, optional

Write statistics to specified file instead of screen


stride: 100
kernel-bandwidth: 0.3
correction-variant: multiplicative