.. _changelog: Changelog *************************************** This file documents the bigger changes between versions [0.3.2] - 2022-09-15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Release that has mostly cosmetic changes, i.e. better documentation and cleaner code - add `recalculate-probabilities` option to birth-death action for permanent usage - rename `correction-variant` to `approximation-variant` in code and allow this in the input - deprecate the `correction-variant` option (but currently still supported) - fixed periodic boundary conditions - fix crash in DeltaF and ParticleDistribution if no filename was specified - FES is no longer data member of Histogram class but stored as separate grid in the FesAction - helper functions required only by single action moved to the respective modules - a lot of added / changed code documentation - improved / extended tests (BirthDeathAction) - cosmetic improvements of code [0.3.1] - 2021-07-06 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - added option to output momentum to trajectory files - added optional factor for birth-death probabilities - tuning to use gitlab CI, cleanup of some old code [0.3.0] - 2021-03-23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Birth-death: Density estimate includes diagonal term in Kernel matrix (i=j) - simple overdamped Langevin integrator (Euler-Maruyama) added - mass of particles can now be specified [0.2.0] - 2021-01-26 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - complete refactor of code - input of simulation is now via much more flexible input files instead of fixed scripts - other major changes like periodic output of different statistics / analysis [0.1.0] - 2020-08-02 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - first working version